Tag: intuitive eating
Do These 3 Things To Have More Treats And Less Tricks This Halloween.
October 26th, 2019 by Sara Upson
“The thing I hate most about this time of year is walking into every store and the first thing that you see is a huge display of Halloween candy,”said my client. It’s a common theme that I hear from clients. On one hand- you really want to be able to enjoy candy, to eat it without […]
I took my daughter to see a plastic surgeon. That sounds like a shameful secret confession, but it’s not! She was six months old and was born with a few skin tags on her face that needed to be removed. We consulted with several different doctors about removal and a plastic surgeon was one of them. (They didn’t […]
What is Weight Stigma
June 4th, 2019 by Sara Upson
Weight stigma is defined as negative thoughts, attitudes, devaluation and social rejection of a person because their body shape or size doesn’t comply with the cultural norms (from diet culture) about what a body “should” look like. Weight stigma also includes: stereotypes about people who live in larger bodies, bullying and teasing, nasty comments, being […]
Listening to the diet culture message about carbs? Here’s why you shouldn’t
March 15th, 2019 by Sara Upson
I’m not sure there’s a macronutrient with a worse reputation than carbs. Diet culture has labeled carbs as the root of all evil, the epitome of all illness, the thing that is going to make or break your health. Heck, even your life! The fear mongering around carbs is out of control! It’s unnecessary, and it couldn’t be […]

Over the weekend, a client emailed me a link to an article about intuitive eating (IE). It was one of those articles about IE that appears on a diet culture fitness page- where in reality it had very little to do with IE. The client was emailing it to me saying- “look someone I know […]
Ending the Legacy of Dieting
October 8th, 2018 by Sara Upson
Several years ago I was at an eating disorder conference where one of the presenters showed a video clip from Oprah about a very young girl (I think 5 -6 years old) who had anorexia nervosa. They interviewed the mom in the video and she repeatedly stated that she had no idea where the daughter […]

Sometimes people get really mad when I talk about orthorexia. Like shouting match loud and mad. “How can healthy eating be a problem? Next you’re going to say that it’s fine to eat fast food…” And the truth is- it’s fine to eat fast food. I’m not saying you should eat it every day […]
Wondering what it’s like to intern with a weight neutral, eating disorder dietitian? Here’s what two interns had to say.
March 15th, 2018 by Sara Upson

This blog is written by two interns in the coordinated program at Stephen F. Austin State University. To become a dietitian you must complete a 1200 hour supervised internship and both interns spent two weeks with me fulfilling hours towards that time. At the end of their rotation I asked them to write a […]

If there’s one thing I’m tired of hearing people say it’s “that food has no nutritional value.” {facepalm} I do get it. You’re saying that food doesn’t offer a lot of nutrition, it doesn’t have a lot of vitamins and minerals, it’s “empty calories.” BUT you don’t eat calories. You don’t eat vitamins and […]
Confused About What Exactly Is An ‘Eating Disorder Behavior?’ Blame Diet Culture
February 16th, 2018 by Sara Upson
Eating disorders are the deadliest mental illness. Per the National Institute on Mental Health, they have the highest mortality rate of all psychiatric illnesses. Sadly, the false beliefs about eating disorders are rampant and diet culture makes it more confusing by normalizing eating disorder behaviors. You could even go as far as calling diet culture […]