Counting down to 2020: But first the top nine of 2019.
December 30th, 2019 by Sara Upson

2020 is just days away and before the clocks roll over to the next decade I wanted to share some helpful tidbits from 2019- at least based on social media algorithms and what other people thought.
The following posts are the nine top performing posts from 2019– meaning the posts that reached the most people- which is supposed to signify they were higher value posts.
My hope is that you’ll find them meaningful and valuable as you move into 2020. I’ll also link the images to the corresponding blogs where the images came from so that if you’d like more information it’s available to you. I hope you enjoy!
Number 9

A HAES® approach isn’t saying that every single person is healthy. So many people get stuck on this and say- you can’t tell me that the person on TV (or wherever) is healthy. So again, a HAES approach isn’t saying people are healthy at any size.
A HAES approach is about the ability to pursue health regardless of size. It says that weight is not the definition of health- that you can’t look at someone and tell if they’re healthy or unhealthy. That you can’t look at someone and tell what they eat or how much they exercise. And it says that health is personal and not anyone else’s business.
And beyond that- it says that even if someone isn’t able to pursue health or struggles with health concerns that they’re still worthy of respect.
In a HAES approach, health is defined as a capacity with the ability to pursue healthy behaviors not an outcome.
It says that health is complex and looks past the behaviors themselves to also include access to care, access to quality care, respectful care, care free from stigma. It recognizes that all bodies deserve the right to be treated with dignity and respect- that weight doesn’t change this, that health or pursuit of health doesn’t change this, or anything else.
Read the entire blog post here.
Number 8

I’ve received a lot of pushback and resistance about weight not being a compliment.
Here’s the thing- complimenting someone on their weight might be common in diet culture but that doesn’t make it okay.
Even if someone is pursuing intentional weight loss- complimenting someone on their weight doesn’t validate their effort- it validates that their effort earns them value or worth- which isn’t true (plus so much more that I wrote about in an earlier post that I’ll add to my stories.)
It reinforces fat phobia and fear of weight gain.
It reinforces the cultural value and belief that thin is better and that weight loss should be pursued at all costs.
Bottom line- it’s harmful.
It’s that time of year where you’ll be hearing more and more about diets and weight loss.
Remember that you don’t have to diet- you don’t have to buy in to diet culture values.
Read the entire blog post here.
Number 7

Just a friendly reminder that:
- your body
- your food
- your health
Isn’t anyone else’s business unless you choose to share that part of your life with them.
I know Diet culture doesn’t hold these boundaries and I’m sorry if it’s like that for you- it shouldn’t be that way because your body is your business. Period.
This one was just for fun and doesn’t have a blog that it links back to.
Number 6

There are so many diet culture eating tips floating around for the holidays. 🙄😡
Here are some anti-diet culture tips…
Of course it’s not all inclusive but a place to start!
And As a reminder- do what’s supportive and best for you and your recovery.
Number 5

In case you needed a few ideas for something to say back to diet culture, here are some suggestions!
I’m reeeaaally good at creating snarky responses but know for many people they’re not something you can actually say. Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy reading them!
Number 4

So often when clients are struggling I hear them say things like- “I shouldn’t be struggling.” “ Nothing’s really going on.” “I don’t know why I’m stressed.” When the reality is- there’s so much going on!
Especially with the holiday season upon us. So. Much. Going. On.
Please be gentle with yourself. Your thoughts, urges, behaviors- they’re not random!
They’re a reminder that you’re feeling or needing something. .
It’s okay to:
- Set boundaries
- Ask for what you need
- Take a break
- Leave
- Change the conversation
- Eat- even when nobody else is
- Rest
- Sleep
Number 3

There’s so much confusion about an anti-diet or Health At Every Size Approach® (HAES)* approach. Here’s to clarifying some of those misconceptions.
*Also I do want to clarify that while anti-diet and weight inclusivity are part of HAES they are just part and HAES also includes a much larger social construct. The words are often used interchangeably and to some degree they are, yet they’re also not.
Number 2

There are so many other compliments you can give besides weight or appearance.
What’s the best compliment you ever received?
Number 1 (by far.)

When you compliment someone on their weight you may be complimenting something very different.
You may actually be reinforcing eating disorder behaviors or “complimenting” someone about their illness.
Weight is not a compliment.
Just diet culture says it is- even to the point that when someone is gravely ill or dying- their weight loss is celebrated.
This. Is. Not. Okay.
Well folks, that’s it! The top 9 posts of 2019. I hope that you found them meaningful and insightful! If you’re interested in seeing these posts in real time make sure you’re following me on instagram @mysignaturenutrition or facebook.
And if you’d like support finding freedom from diet culture in 2020- then download my free guide to help you get started.
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