Self Love Challenge Thanks


Thank you for signing up for

The Self Love Challenge!


Here’s some important things to know about the challenge:

  1. You’ll receive a confirmation email that you’ve signed up for the challenge.  If you’re reading this, then it’s been a success!  Make sure to add to your address book or whitelist the address so that your challenge ends up in your INBOX.  If you don’t receive anything, check your spam folder.  After this email, you should receive you should receive your first challenge email in about one hour.  Then you’ll receive one email each day for 14 days + a completion email.
  2. If you’d like to be more involved join us on social media:
    • CLICK HERE to join the closed BodyGuard: Diet Culture Defense Facebook Group.  This group is a larger part of the self love challenge and is all about helping you see through the manipulations of diet culture!  I’ll be going live several times during the challenge in this Facebook group.
    • CLICK HERE to connect with me on my Facebook Page.
    • CLICK HERE to connect with me on Instagram.
    • CLICK HERE to connect with me on Pintrest.


Don’t worry if you leave this page, a very similar message will be coming to your inbox!  I look forward to contacting with you soon!

P.S. You can learn more about me here.