Category: Uncategorized

People like to talk about food, weight and dieting.  It’s accepted.  It’s easy.  It kind of creates a bonding experience when you share battle stories of previous diets or when you start a new diet and a friend or co-worker joins you.  What happens though when that diet goes too far, or when things get […]

As colleges and universities across the country are gearing up for the start of the semester there are many excited and anxious freshmen ready to embark on their college experience.  One thought that may be pressing on their mind is the concern over the freshmen 15- the infamous fifteen pounds that freshmen gain their first […]

I was asked to write a post about BMI (Body Mass Index).  It is popping up everywhere and we are hearing more and more about it.  Students are getting sent home with their BMI on their report card, states are conducting statewide screening and surveillance using BMI, health care facilities use it, and it is […]

Have you ever heard of orthorexia nervosa?  Most people have not.  In simple terms it is an extreme focus on eating healthy foods to the point that it interferes with daily life.  The old adage says that you can never have too much of a good thing, however this is one area where that statement […]

If I asked you to make a list of healthy food, most people would likely be able to do this pretty easily.  You might even list something like fruit, vegetables, whole grains, lean meat, fish, etc.  If I asked you to list or describe what healthy eating was, most people would recite the same list […]

Normally when you read an article about good and bad food you will find a list of which foods are good and which foods are bad, or maybe which foods you should or should not eat.  Dividing foods into these categories to create a “healthy diet” may seem like an easy way to select foods, […]

I remember when I first heard about the philosophy of health at every size.  As a graduate student in exercise physiology and a dietetic intern I was first very skeptical of the philosophy that a person could be healthy at any size.  Coming to believe in the Health at every Size (HAES) philosophy was an […]

How often do you talk about food and weight with others?  Or even more, how much time do you spend thinking about food and weight in a given day?  Did you know that food and weight are some of the most frequently discussed topics?  And, according to one clinical finding the amount of time you […]

Welcome to My Signature Nutrition Blog!  Thank you for joining us.  In this inaugural post I really hope to lay the groundwork for what you will find here in the future.  As you know, nutrition is an integral part of your daily life.  Each day you make choices about what to eat, when to eat, […]